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Navigating the 3 Types of Facial Aging: Strategies for Youthful Radiance

With A Warm, Caring Staff and Stunningly Natural Results,
Our Approach to Surgery is Anything but Plastic

Throughout life, our faces hold the memories, laughter, and wisdom we have enjoyed each year. Yet, the signs of facial aging become more apparent as each year passes and leave us longing for our once youthful appearance. From fine lines and wrinkles to laxity issues and volume loss, facial aging is a natural and inevitable occurrence. Facial aging comes in three categories, and we will discuss each of them below as we unveil how to target each category to help you return to your more youthful self!

Top Layer Aging: Combatting Sun Damage and Enhancing Skin Health

Embrace your skin’s potential for youthfulness with the aesthetic team at CARE Plastic Surgery! While genetics and the natural aging process are beyond our control, adopting a healthy lifestyle and shielding our skin with medical-grade SPF can significantly minimize damage. Our dedicated aestheticians and nurses are here to tailor a skincare routine that fits your life before your skin begins to exhibit signs of aging, complemented by state-of-the-art treatments like CoolPeel and other laser treatments, that stimulate collagen, smooth wrinkles, improve skin texture, improve skin quality and keep the skin hydrated.

By engaging in healthy habits like eating a nutrient-rich diet, drinking plenty of water, avoiding prolonged exposure to the sun, and maintaining an effective skin care routine you can help protect your outer, overlying skin from environmental factors that can lead to signs of aging. Adding in beneficial skin treatment options can help kickstart collagen stimulation and delay wrinkles from forming. Let’s work together to minimize extrinsic facial aging and enhance your skin’s more youthful appearance, leaving you with a glowing, rejuvenated complexion.

Deeper Issues: Laxity, Ptosis, and Reclaiming Firmness

Issues relating to loss of skin elasticity, saggy appearance, skin wrinkles, and collagen loss all occur in the deeper layers of the dermis. Even if you do everything you can to protect your skin from environmental damage, this type of facial aging can not always be prevented with strict routines. As we age, our skin’s connective tissues lose density which can cause skin laxity and ptosis (drooping). The frequent fine motor movements of the facial muscles can also lead to dynamic wrinkles causing increased facial aging.

To address these concerns we recommend a surgical approach such as  FaceTite or Facelift to achieve the best improvement. If you would prefer a non-surgical route, a botulinum toxin injected into the facial muscles can help. These procedures are like a renewing boost, offering gentle lift and skin tightening to bring back your natural contours and vitality. To get the most out of these procedures, it is important to address the top layer of the skin first to ensure a smooth and healthy healing process.

Volume Restoration: Turning Back Time with Dermal Fillers

Say goodbye to volume loss and hello to a refreshed, plump appearance with our tailored Juvéderm filler packages at CARE! As the years pass, our faces may lose skin and tissue density, especially around the temples, cheeks, and lips, making fine lines more noticeable. This volume loss not only contributes to facial aging but can cause a haggard appearance as well.  But there are minimally invasive and easy treatment options to help restore your youthful appearance!

Our specialized Juvéderm treatments fill in the gaps where volume loss occurs, smoothing out lines and bringing back that sought-after plump appearance of youthful skin and tissue density. From accentuating your cheeks with Voluma to defining your jawline with Volux, we have just the right touch to meet your unique needs. Let’s talk about rejuvenating your natural beauty – book a consultation to find the perfect package for you!

Schedule a Consultation

Facial aging cannot be avoided, but it can be slowed and improved with the help of our providers at CARE Plastic Surgery in Cary, NC. Whether you’re looking to correct volume loss, treat existing wrinkles, or address facial aging, we are here to help. Reach your aesthetic goals today and call us at 919-484-4884 or use our online scheduling form.

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